Thursday, October 10, 2013

Things i'm Loving >> Fall Edition

1.)  Have you guys seen the new Ace & Jig FW13 collection?  I've died over and over.  I want it all.
2.)  I have been following Spearmint Baby blog for years, but just recently Shari launched a shop - Spearmint Love and THIS Eco Cross Blanket is one of the many things on my "wish list" from her shop.
3.)  I'm addicted.  End. Of. Story.  What's your favorite warm, seasonal Starbucks drink?
4.)  "Forever Young" Essie nail polish is my go to Fall color.  I love deep reds for Fall; I feel like it goes with everything.
5.)  I've had this pendant on my Christmas list for the past 3 years!  3 years the charm?  Yes?...  Babe?
6.)  Ever get that feeling of being weary or stressed, maybe more weary then stressed?  This mom of 2 thing is hard sometimes!  Aesop Ginger Flight Therapy is the way to go.  You can apply it directly to your neck, temples, wrists, etc. and it's instant relief.  Instant!
7.)  There's just something about baby feet!!!  I'm obsessed.  Silas is officially 10 weeks old and already escaping that "infant stage", I just can't believe how fast it goes by the second time around!  People will always warn you, but you got to live it to believe it.  I'm a believer.
8.)  Camouflage is everywhere this season!  AND I love it!  The cute flats, that snazzy jacket, those skinny ankle jeans...  You can pair it perfectly with pretty much anything, it's that one print that just looks awesome next to anything!  (Well, almost anything...but be creative and have fun with it!)
9.)  Fall is my all time favorite season of the year!  If it could be Fall all year-round, I would be totally happy with that!  But since it's not, we have to soak it up while we can, so we made a Fall bucket list this year.  We are crossing things off every day!  (I can't wait to share with you all some of the fun firsts Everly's experiencing through this bucket list!)  Do you have a Fall bucket list?  What are some things that you are doing this season?  If you need some Fall bucket list inspirations, just go to Pinterest and search "Fall Bucket List."
10.)  Toms, you never cease to amaze me!  You guys nailed it with the, nepal boots this season!  Well done!  I just can't decide which pair I'm loving the most, because they all are awesome!
Header Font: "Little Snorlax" from dafont

Well this is the round-up of the things I'm loving this season.  What about you?  Please share, or email us your top 10 list for a chance to be featured on the blog!

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