Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Summer with Scarlett >> 2013

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."
-Angela Schwindt

Our summer was filled with so much fun and I wanted to share our memories here with you all! We started some traditions, and had a lot of new first. I love the quote by Angela Schwindt because it is so true. I learn so much everyday from Scarlett. I learn how to live again, because she sees things for the first time so I do too. Her love for life and learning is amazing. It makes me want to wake up everyday with fresh eyes and explore the world with her. Here are some of our photos from the summer. It was so hard to narrow it down because there were so many fun times.  

::1st Birthday photos::
::1st Birthday photos::
::Scarlett's Tea Party for her 1st Birthday::
This picture is one of my all time favorites of Scarlett, and really the only editorial one from her party. I love her dress that Harriets Haberdashery made for her awhile back. It was perfect for her Tea Party. 

::if you could hear her laugh:: 
These pixie crowns are available from <<--A Tiny Arrow-->>

::annual Summer Camp Family photo::
My mom started a tradition with my nephew a few years back, where her grandkids would come to her house for "Grandmas Summer Camp" for a few weeks. This year it was Scarletts first year, and I am already excited for next year. This is where Scarlett started walking, and growing leaps and bounds. We had so much fun doing all of the things that my mom had planned out. Celebrating birthdays, making our own water park, silly string wars, catching fireflies (and releasing them), painting pictures, spending days at the pool, and staying up way past our bedtimes are just a few things we did. I felt so lucky to have shared those memories with my family, and can't wait for Scarlett to start having her own memories of her "summer camp". 

pictures from my phone, that I couldn't leave out!

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