Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide >> $50 & Under

Welcome to round two of our Holiday Gift Guide!  This week we are bringing you some of our favorite items for those on a budget or for those in search of "medium" sized gifts, for friends or relatives.  Next week we have a whole list of fun stocking-stuffer ideas and we can't wait to share them with you!!

We hope you all have a wonderful and glorious weekend!  If you care to share what you are buying this year and would like to share with us on Instagram, simply use hash tag #UCgiftguide and it will be available for us and our followers to check out!

You can view last weeks Holiday Gift Guide here

Friday, November 29, 2013


Hey you crazy shoppers!  We rounded up a few of our favorite shops that are doing amazing Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday deals!  You can bet we are getting our shop on this weekend!!!  

We are sticking to shops for the little ones this year, but next year we would love to include some of our top mama and pops shops too!  I was really pushed for time this year and it was an idea that was sparked only a few days ago.  I was going out of my mind keeping notes in my Iphone for where all the hot deals were and then I just decided that I should create a post that can help us all out this weekend!  :)

Chicky Pop Shop (Promo Code: BLACKFRIDAY)

Kindred Oak (20% off code for women's apparel: BLACK20)

Louis B (excludes their "just in" selection)

Unpetit Meow (Promo Code: GIVETHANKS)

Opposite of Far (Promo Code: TURKEYTURKEY)

We will be adding deals periodically as we get word on them.  A lot of shops are saving their "big deal reveal" for the day of the sale, so keep on stopping back to see if we are adding anything!  Also, if you would like your shop to be added to our list, don't hesitate to email us at with your logo and deal information and we will try to fit you in! ;)

Also, don't forget to look these awesome shops up on Instagram to see more sweet deals they are doing.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wish List & Traditions >> Urban Cub

We are excited to kick start a new series for the upcoming month of December.  We have 4 amazing guests that will be joining in to share what is on their wish list this year and what their holiday traditions are each Christmas season.  Today we will be starting off the series and will be sharing our wish lists and traditions with you all!

Brianna's List :
                                                  1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7                                                           

 Brittany's List: 
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7         

Brianna's Traditions:
We have a couple traditions that we do around the Christmas season and we do them to keep us in focus and remind us what Christmas is all about.  Every year our church hands out shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, which is put on yearly by Samaritans Purse.  Last year we involved Everly in this as much as possible, but she was still pretty young to really understand.  We are excited to do it again this year as she understands a lot more now.  We want to remind her yearly that Christmas is not only about receiving gifts, but about giving gifts as well.  We will take this time each year to go shopping for children that are less fortunate then us and allow her to pick out Christmas presents for these children.

This year we are bringing in a new tradition.  Everly has a "thing" for birthdays.  After her 2nd birthday she became a bit obsessed with the birthday song and sings it on repeat daily.  I told her, "You know who you will need to sing this song to soon?  Baby Jesus!"  And she quickly asked, "Birthday cake?"  So for some, you might be baking cookies and leaving milk out for Santa, and that's great too!  But this year, Everly and I will be baking a cake and as a family on Christmas day we will celebrate the Greatest Gift of all; Jesus' birth!  :)

Brittany's Traditions:
Growing up my parents didn't really have any traditions for us as a family, just the usual wake up and open presents on Christmas Morning. As a child this was all that I really cared about anyways. This sufficed for us though. We were always together around the holiday's and that was really the important thing. Since growing up without any traditions, I really wanted to have that ritual with my family when I had one. So I have started a few things around here hoping that most of them stick, but not expecting my outrageous attempt at making most everything a tradition!
The most important ones for us this season is picking out a Christmas tree together, and doing an Advent Calendar. We will be out of the country this year around and on Christmas, so I thought we would kind of introduce the Advent calendar with a bang! We aren't doing presents, just doing a spruced (no pun intended) up version of the calendar. We aren't going to have a lot of presents to open on Christmas Day, instead she will be getting on every day leading up to Christmas Day! I have enjoyed doing that this year. Making our Advent Calendar myself, picking out all the fun gifts and wrapping those fun gifts up. The anticipation for December 1st is slowly coming to an end and I couldn't be more excited to start this with Scarlett.
A few other things that we are going to try is decorating the tree as a family, The Elf on the Shelf, making Christmas cookies, and helping another family who is in need.
I think the most important thing for me is that we are all together. As long as we are together that is honestly a gift enough for me. There is nothing better than being with my family and making these memories with Scarlett. I hope that she will cherish this stuff as much as I do!

Britt and Bri

How about you guys?  What are the items on your wish list that you are just hoping you get?  Or what are some things that you celebrate and do every year around Christmas time?  We would love to hear!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wear >> Thanksgiving Day Outfits

Thanksgiving is such a fun time of year for my family. It kind of 'kick-starts' the Holidays, and everyone is so happy and cheery! There is just something in the air, that is so nostalgic to me. As much as I do not like the cold air, I accept it during this time. I think the smell of home cooked food, and seeing all the Christmas stuff happening around me is what makes up for the freezing weather. (That and being able to layer cute clothes!) I love being able to drive up to see my parents and have a few 'cooking', 'mouth-stuffing', 'fire building', and a 'relaxing' couple of days with them, right before the Holiday craziness starts. I have always gotten dressed up on the holidays even if we were just hanging out at home. I enjoy going and finding that perfect outfit that will be documented through pictures for everyone to see. I know it is a weird way to connect things, but I remember 'moments in life' from what I wore. For instance I can tell you what I wore on my first day of 7th grade, or what I have worn for the last 4 Thanksgiving dinners. Which is why I work in Fashion, I guess. haha! 

I wanted to show you what my family is wearing this year. This was not an easy task though! I bought Scarlett and I a few matching pieces, thinking they would be easy to dress. Ha! I was totally wrong. I don't know if I have a lot on my mind or what, but I just blanked. Which explains why I just went with Black as our neutral color. It was a lot easier to get outfits for three people with black. I know we will be eating a lot, so comfort was definitely a priority. Being comfortable and stylish at the same time, who doesn't want that! 

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 

1 // 2 // 3 // 4

What is your family wearing? We would love to see, so tag us on Instagram @urbancub
 or use #ucootd or #ucstyle 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide >> Round 1

We wanted to start a little series on Saturday's until Christmas of a round-up of some of our favorite gift ideas for the whole family.  We know how hard it is to find some unique and fun presents during the holiday season, so we wanted to help you out as much as we could.  If you are anything like us, we still have little ones that aren't "asking" for items, so we are always on the hunt to find memorable items that they will actually enjoy and not just push off to the side after its unwrapped.  Then there is buying for the man in your life, and this one is always the trickiest for us, but this year we put together a selection of items that our very own husbands gave us approval of for the blog.  And then, for yourself...I know for myself, all throughout the year I have these brilliant ideas of what to ask for, but when the time actually comes around to making a list, I'm completely brain-dead.  So here's our first round-up of our favorites this season and what we have on our lists for our family members and ourselves!  ;)

Are you following us on Instagram yet?  We will be sharing the items we are buying and eyeing for our family members this Christmas, simply use hashtag #UCgiftguide to check them out.  Also, we would LOVE if you joined in and shared with us what you are buying this year!

Friday, November 22, 2013


When I come across a brand like this, it makes me so excited! I am happy that I have all of you to share it with! As you know, we are LOVING knits for this season. We just can't seem to say no! 
These are just to die for! As much as I would like to dress Scarlett in neutral colors, I like to remind myself that she is a kid. So I like to dress her like one, and what better way than with cozy knits like these??? I hope you enjoy browsing (and buying) as much as I did! 

You can shop for them here, and read up all about these gorgeous garments made right here in the US!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

ON >> Being Present

Today I wanted to get a little bit more personal.  We are always sharing little fashion inspirations, but our hopes are so much more for this blog.  When we created this blog, we wanted to not only bring fashion inspirations, but wanted to reveal real life with you too.  Our blog is still in such an early stage and we have yet to go all the directions we want to go.  We have so many aspirations for this blog, but we are only two people and can only move in these directions so fast.  As much as we would love to do it all, we just can't, and we are okay with that.  Our hopes are to bring more lifestyle posts, more "mama wears" posts, more "nitty gritty posts"...The list goes on.  We want to be real here, opening up not only our lives with you through pictures, but opening our hearts as well.  As amazing as fashion is, and as much as we enjoy to style ourselves, our family and our homes, that is such a minuscule part of the whole realm of things in this one precious life we are given.  So today, I really wanted to share with you all what has been on my heart lately...


Most of us look at this time of the year, especially this season as a time to reflect on your year as the year is coming to an end.  Thanksgiving is exactly a week away and we can't help but to stop and count our blessings.  Then comes Christmas, and who doesn't just love the anticipation of Christmas morning and all the joys it brings as the family comes together, faces light up, presents are given and received.  But if you are anything like me, as much as there is anticipation for this day, there also comes hustle and bustle.  Hustle and bustle that is just added onto your other every day duties and tasks.  It's a lot!  And as a mom in the midst of a busy day season, it's easy for us to overlook our children.  In fact it's easy for us to look at our children as a "duty or task", rather then little precious humans that we need to connect with.  

I'm guilty of it.  And maybe that's why it's on my heart?  I believe as a blogger, since I'm constantly in the social media world, I'm more aware of it.  I'm aware of the uncompleted blog posts that are calling my name, the phone that won't stop buzzing, the Instagram feed that is maxed with pictures that need "my approval" and "my likes"(ha!), the email inbox that needs attention...  What is it for you?  What calls your attention over your kids?  

I need to be present.  I must be present.  Everly just turned 2 and I swear it's just not possible, she was just placed in my arms yesterday.  Silas will be 4 months old next Tuesday and I seriously don't know where the time has gone.  Time is a wild thing and my babies are growing up way too fast and I don't want to miss out on it.  I don't want to have any regrets.  I want to be present in their every day, I want to watch them grow, watch them learn, hear them when they speak to me, love on them and squeeze them every chance they let me, because I know it won't be much longer when they will be ready to go and do their own thing.  

How can I put this into practice?  First, I need to identify the areas in my life that are tugging at me in directions away from my children.  Then I need to just say, no, to those things.  I wrote out a list of my 5 distractions and I challenge any of you to do the same.  Then I wrote a list of 21 ways I know I can be more proactive in my children's lives and I will share them with you, in hopes to give you some inspiration.  I know sometimes it's hard as a mom to always be entertaining little ones, but sometimes it's not even about entertaining and more just "enjoying" them.

1.) Put down the smart phone.  Check it once an hour for a couple minutes.
2.) Sing children songs.  Everly's current favorites are interactive ones (go figure) "the wheels on the bus", "this little light of mine", "this little piggy", "patty cake", "go tell it on the mountain", "Jesus loves me".
3.) Get onto the floor, grab a game or a toy and invite them to play with you.
4.) Don't make your child say, "Mom", more then once.  When they want your attention, (in the right setting) stop what you are doing and make eye contact with them so they know you are listening to them and really care about what they have to say.  Wouldn't you love if your children looked you in the eye when you asked them to do something?  We are their example.
5.) Ask them something that you know will make their day.  Do you want to go to the park?  Do you want a lolli-pop?  Do you want to make a fort?  
6.) Tell your child you love them frequently through-out the day.  Tell them why.
7.) Encourage them.  Even if they are too little to understand.  "I love when you smile!"  "You make mommy so happy when you do that!"  "Mommy is so proud of you!"
8.) Ignore your house-hold chores and other distractions for at least an hour when they wake up, before they take their nap and before they go to bed.  Focus this time completely on them.
9.) Try to say, "Yes" more then you say, "No".
10.) Include your child in what you are doing.  Making lunch or folding laundry, even if it takes you an extra 15 minutes to get it done.
11.) Tell them a story about when they were just a baby, or just learning something for the first time.  Or share with them a story about when you were their age.
12.) Don't yell or raise your voice.  Again, remember, you are their example.
13.) Play pretend.  Everly loves playing doctor and loves to make me delicious plastic food.
14.) Dance often.  Pick them up and twirl them in your arms.
15.) Be quick to forgive and ask for forgiveness.  Forgive yourself.  Let yourself be the best mom you can be.  This includes putting your pride aside, even in your faults.  This will eventually play out in your children's lives as they encounter friendships, so be the example of how to care and be tender towards others.
16.) Kiss your husband in front of your children.  I've heard this and believe it with all my heart, "One of the greatest ways you can show your children you love them, is by loving your spouse."
17.) Turn up the music really loud in the car or at home and just go crazy.
18.) Be patient.
19.) Go on a lunch date, visit a local farm, take them for a cone of ice cream, go on an "adventure".
20.) Hold them tight.  Squeeze them when you hug them.
21.) Be present!

I hope these things have encouraged you!  I would love to hear your "go-to" list for being present in your own children's lives.  If you have anything to add or share, we would love it!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mama Wears >> All Black Outfit

When it comes to the color black, I think it is such a classy color. It has become such a staple color for me. I love that there are different variations of the color black, so when you go shop you find all kinds of fun stuff. Vintage-black, matte-black, distressed-black, black-black. The options seem endless. This comes in handy though, when you are putting together an outfit. It is stylish to wear different blacks in the same outfit. For me I love vintage-black and black-black. 
In the same breathe it is very classy to wear the same black head to toe. It is hard for me to do that. I would love to, and when I see someone dressed in all the same black I want to do it. It is so daring. However, it is something that you can move into. I am going to start wearing more and more black, taking off that layer of gray or bordeaux that I tend to pair with my blacks. When I do step out in that all black casual outfit, know that I will share it with you all! 

Here is a little outfit I put together with Black in mind. I would wear this outfit in a heartbeat! 

Sidenote: number 4 is my signature scent. i wait all summer to put this on. it is the perfect fall and winter smell. tom ford is my hero for making this scent. you have to smell it! 

 1 // 2 (similar) // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 

I am loving the way these outfits are styled. The best!  <3 

How do you style your black outfits? Do you dare to wear all black pieces, or do you like to add a pop of another color? Tell us here in the comments or hashtag us on Instagram. We would love to hear. #ucstyle 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Featuring >> Bacabuche & A Giveaway!

Bacabuche, the newest brand of contemporary children’s clothing and accessories, premiered it's Fall 2013 collection to consumers this August.  Lucky us, we got to be one of the first to experience this dreamy collection.  Bacabuche is that all around perfect brand, developed with a minimalist philosophy in mind, which includes male and female clothing that is modern and simple with a level of playful sophistication that both baby and parents can appreciate.  Bacabuche would also be a sensational gift that any expectant mother or friend would never forget.  The reason why I say, "gift", is because part of what makes Bacabuche so special is the packaging; everything is curated to be giftable.  You really have to see, to believe.  

You don't come across clothing like Bacabuche that often, and i'm sharing this from our own experience.  We really could not speak more highly of a brand and it's natural and organic cottons, that were made right here in the USA.  Honestly our only wish is that we could have come across Bacabuche sooner.  We know this is a new brand to the market, but each item in each package are timeless masterpieces and will be keepsakes of ours forever.  (Dana and Val, if only you could have launched Bacabuche earlier?!)  Oh well, I guess we will both just have to have another baby.  The funny thing is, it would be totally worth it to wear these gems on them!  ;)  And thankfully for us, this brand will be able to grow with our little ones just a little bit longer, because as we anticipate the Spring collection, we are told it will also include sizes up to 24 months!

Scarlett's Outfit Details: Headband from Thief and Bandit, Top and Cardigan in lilac/cream from Bacabuche "layer package", Jeans from Roxy, Star booties from Zara, Bunny from Maileg.

Silas' Outfit Details: Hat from Gap, Top and Cardigan in Black/Charcoal from Bacabuche "layer package", Leggings from Thief and Bandit, Moccasins from Freshly Picked in Red Rock Suede. 

I know that it might be a splurge for some, but trust us when we say that you will not be disappointed. Not only will you be gifting/receiving amazing products but you will be supporting an amazing brand!  Dana and Val (the masterminds behind Bacabuche) are the sweetest ladies, and they truly have been a dream to partner with!  These two amazing ladies put their heart and soul into this brand and they give us a look through Bacabuche that essentially is a capsule wardrobe for any baby.  Thanks to these ladies it doesn't take a lot to make our baby look amazing; with just a few well designed pieces from Bacabuche and incorporating a few of your own basics, each item can be layered into any wardrobe, making an incredible impact.  It doesn't end there...  Dana and Val would like to offer our readers an AMAZING GIVEAWAY!  One very lucky follower will win their choice of either the Foundation Package or the Infant Package.  Read details below on how you can enter!

<<Giveaway Details>>
1.)  Follow @bacabuche and @urbancub on Instagram and regram our giveaway photo to your feed.  If you are not an Instagram user, simply...
2.) Follow Bacabuche on Facebook.

//Whether you regram on Instagram or follow on Facebook, please enter here so we can keep track of each participant!  You can enter once per day by regramming photo on your Instagram feed for extra entries.  Don't forget to come back here to enter as well!//

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Weekender Outfits >> For him & her

 hat // cardigan // tee // jeans // socks // boots

 headband // cardigan // tee // bracelet // jeans // socks // boots

Happy Weekend Friends <3

Friday, November 15, 2013


THIS BRAND  >>  Lu Flux

I happened upon this brand on Pinterest and I'm quite happy I did.  I am obsessing over the skirt for Everly and the romper pants for Silas.  I love brands that have items where I can "match" or "coordinate" outfits with the two of them.  I just can't get enough of knits for my babies this season.  There is just something amazing about putting something thick, warm, handmade and just out right precious on your little ones.  Lu Flux only has a few items in their new shop, but it's just the perfect amount to get your mouth watering and leave your wallet a little bit more empty.  How do you look and not just, have to have it?!  I mean come on, mismatched toggled knits...Need I say more?

Lu Flux also has a women's section, with totally unique pieces, it's worth a look.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!